Intimacy Coaching


 Intimacy starts within


Only once we are capable of sitting in peace with our emotions


Only when we can accept parts of ourselves we hate or hide the most


Only when we can comfort our little girls and boys screaming and shaking inside of us


Only then the gate opens to our hearts and can truly connect to another soul...




Why is pleasure essential in our lives?


You may not remember how it was being a child. But surely you know what they are like.


 How full of life they are. So excited to experience. Seeing the beauty in everything and everyone. They seem to have a never ending energy, it's hard to keep up with them.


Why is that? 


What makes a child so different from adults in this sense?


Why do we adults loose our sense of enjoyment?


As we grow up we are conditioned away from it. 

Children usually dread the thought of becoming adults, because all they can see is how bored they are. Bored of they own lives, I usually refer to it as zombified. 


As we grow up we are made to do more and more things we don't actually want to do nor do we enjoy for a lot of reasons.  It can be to fit in or in pursuit of making money etc.  The more time you spend doing things you don't actually enjoy the more lifeless you become.  


What do you do in your daily life for your own enjoyment? Just for you?


See now,  women especially have been taught all they lives how they need to look after and care for everyone around them. Caring for yourself is considered selfish.  But that is so far from the truth. 


 Caring for yourself is the most important thing in your own life.


I want you to think about it. 


How could you possibly care for those around you WELL if you are not well in mind and body? This is where the burn out comes from. 

You need to fill your own cup first and then you can give something to the people around you.  


We can look at it simply with food. Let's say you have a family to feed. You give them all the food you get and you starve yourself in the process and eventually you die. Or you feed yourself and then you feed the others. Which one do you think would support them better for the long term?


Same principle for pleasure. 

We pleasure ourselves to feed our mental, emotional and physical bodies.

By pleasure I don't necessarily mean sexual pleasure, I'm talking about pleasure just for the sake of it, to make you feel good. It can be a hot bath, dancing, singing etc.


We grow up completely forgetting about enjoyment, we get sucked into the world of production, practicality, goal orientation. We as humans are not fighting for survival anymore...


I remember telling my Granny years ago that I'm going to go for a walk in the woods. She asked me why would I do that? I told her because I enjoy it.  As sad as it sounds she does not even have the concept of doing something that feels good for herself.  She would just say that I must surely have better things to do, you know something productive? 


I invite you to experiment.  Do something that you really love, something that makes you feel alive for 5-10 minutes every day for a week or as long as you like. See what happens. 


What is the point of being here, having a life if you don't enjoy yourself?

What to expect?


You’ll learn Sacred Sexuality embodiment approaches that are based on Tao and Tantric Traditions, and you will understand how sexual empowerment is the missing piece towards a fully thriving life.

My coaching goes much deeper than usual mindset coaching. We go deep into your nervous system and we will map out your internal landscape.  Something simple talking therapy doesn't have access to. We will locate which parts of you holding you back from your current desires and we will bring healing to it.

1. We create your Desire Map in our 1st session

We talk about and outline where you want to get with our work together. This is our North Star, which will help me design a specific route to help you get where you want.  

2. We dive deep for a minimum of 3 months ( 3-4 session a month ) of 1:1 sessions

In each session, we start with a qualified conversation on the topics we are working on together. Then we do an embodiment practice or integrative process that helps you heal and deal with the pieces that keep you away from your desires.

Finally, we reflect on the insights of the session and define together what attitudes or actions you can do at home in the time in between our meetings.

This methodology has helped dozens of people find their way back to their bodies, recover their sense of agency, power, aliveness, vitality and eroticism, which makes it possible for them to experience a more thriving life, despite of what happened in the past.

The tools and techniques used in our sessions include:

Energy healing
Nervous system regulation
Ancestral and spiritual support
Gentle trauma healing techniques
Giving voice to your body-mind, even when it doesn’t seem to make much sense, and acknowledging and honoring all these pieces
Integrative process of the pieces that need it the most, that is, those pieces that are really wounded due to trauma, repression and rejection: inner child, inner feminine, the sexy adult, the naive teen, the wise crone, inner rebel, etc.
Somatic Embodiment practices like: conscious breath, movement, sounding, visualization, journeying, energy cultivation, meditation, Tao & Tantric pleasure rituals, etc.
3. You continue integrating the work with at-home practices between sessions




6 months package for 24 session  + 2 sessions for free


3750 £ one payment 

1350£    3 payments 

700£    6 payments/ monthly 


3 month package 12 session 


1950 £ one payment

800£ 3 payments/ monthly


Special offer: If you sign up within 48 hours of our FREE Discovery Call, you get a 50% discount!

You also have limited access to me via e-mail and/or WhatsApp in between sessions